What Is Girls’ State?

American Legion Girls StateCalifornia Girls State is a leadership program of the American Legion Auxiliary designed to increase awareness and knowledge of governmental processes while learning about the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Delegates come away with a greater appreciation of the American Flag and of the sacrifices made by our veterans. While at Girls State, they make friends with outstanding girls from around the state and have a fun week they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.

Just as The American Legion sponsors young men who are completing their Junior year of high School, Girls’ State is a program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary.  Currently, members of Smyth-Bolter Post 58 work towards raising funds to support two delegates who are selected by members of the American Legion Auxiliary to attend Girls’ State each year.  For further information, please go to American Legion Auxiliary website, www.calegionaux.org and click on “Girls’ State.